Complete List of Mural Works

Man of Fire by José Clemente Orozco

Man of Fire by José Clemente Orozco

A stirring film that lets a new generation experience how vibrant art was in the first half of the 20th century.
— Museum of Fine Arts Boston

1923 - Antiguo Colegio de San Ildefonso, Mexico City, Mexico

Revolutionary Trinity
The Rich Feast while the Workers Fight

1926 - Antiguo Colegio de San Ildefonso, Mexico City, Mexico

The Trench Destruction of the Old Order
Cortez and Malinche
The Franciscan and the Indian
The Mother’s Farewell
The Family

1923-26 - Antiguo Colegio de San Ildefonso, Mexico City, Mexico

Reactionary Forces
Social Waste
The Final Judgment
The Cross and the Serpent

1925 - The House of Tiles, Mexico City, Mexico


1926 - Center for Workers’ Education, Orizaba, Mexico

Social Revolution

1930 - Pomona College, Claremont, California, USA


1931 - New School for Social Research, New York, New York, USA

Struggle in the Orient
Science, Labor and Art
Homecoming of the Worker
Table of Brotherhood

1932 - Baker Library, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire, USA

The Epic of American Civilization (pre-Cortesian): The Arrival of Quetzalcoatl
Ancient Human Sacrifice
The Departure of Quetzalcoatl
The Epic of American Civilization (post-Cortesian): Cortez and the Cross
Latin America
Gods of the Modern World
Modern Human Sacrifice
Modern Migration of the Spirit

1934 - Palace of Fine Arts, Mexico City, Mexico


1936 - University of Guadalajara, Mexico

Creative Man

1936-1939 - University of Guadalajara, Mexico

False Science and the Human Dilemma

1937 - Governor’s Palace, Guadalajara, Mexico

Father Hidalgo
The Carnival of the Ideologies
Phantasms of Religion in Alliance with the Military

1938-1939 - Hospicio Cabañas, Guadalajara, Mexico

Man of Fire
The Mechanical Horse
Cortez and the Subjugation of the Indians
The Wheel
The Two Headed Horse

1940 - Museum of Modern Art, New York City

Dive Bomber and Tank - six panels

1940 - Gabino Ortiz Library, Jiquilpan, Mexico

Allegory of Mexico

1940-41 - Supreme Court of Justice, Mexico City, Mexico

Inhuman Labor
Proletarian Struggle

1940-1944 - Church of Jesus of Nazareth, Mexico City, Mexico


1945 - Private collections

Fiesta of the Instruments - moveable mural
The Good Life - moveable mural

1948 - Open-air Theater of the National Teacher’s School, Mexico City, Mexico

National Allegory

1948 - National History Museum, Mexico City, Mexico

Juarez, the Church and the Imperialists

1949 - Chamber of Deputies, Legislative Assemble of Jalisco, Guadalajara, Mexico

Hidalgo and the Abolition of Slavery